Why not use Online Wills??

There are often arguments made against making a will online, usually by people with vested interests in expressing that opinion.

It is however true that some of the online will websites are “lacking” in certain essentials which could lead the unwary inot making a (potentially costly) mistake. Although making a will online will almost certainly save you both time and money, cost should NOT be the driving factor when choosing the online will provider.

Online wills tend to cost between £9 and £45 for a single will and more for mirror wills etc.

The most important things to look for with an Online Will website are:-

  1. Ensure it is solicitor checked
  2. Ensure there are no hidden costs or additional costs if you decide to make changes later.
  3. That there is an option to write a Discretionary Trust Will and/or Enduring Power of Attorney if required.
  4. That you can print your will off IMMEDIATELY. There is little point in saving tijme if you have to wait for your will to arrive by post or email.
  5. Tha the software it uses has SECURE SSL Links.
  6. That it has a free trial and money back guarantee just incase.

Having looked into ALL the Online Will Writing Websites ONLY www.tenminutewill.co.uk offers all of this at a reasonable cost (£29.95). Other websites are either cheaper and lacking, or much more expensive or are similar priced but have hidden future costs should you wish to make changes.

This entry was posted in Discretionary Trust Wills, DIY Wills, Making a Will, Online Wills. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Why not use Online Wills??

  1. Chris Carter says:

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